Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Teen L.E.A.D.E.R.S.

Lead by Educating with Activities and Demonstrations on the Environment, Resources and Sciences

            “The Fresno Chaffee Zoo inspires wonder of our natural world…” This excerpt from the zoo’s mission statement has definitely proven true in my experience as a FCZ Teen LEADER. I believe that volunteering at the zoo allows me to inspire this passion for wildlife in the guests I encounter. However, I have found that interacting with these guests, children in particular, inspires me even more so.
            Volunteering at the cart, I get to play educational games with zoo guests. One game, Let’s Get Wet, is themed around aquatic adaptation. It lets guests stick their

 hand inside a bag insulated with Crisco mimicking the blubber on animals such as whales, and seals. While playing this game with guests, I once encountered a little girl who was sad that seals have to swim feeling cold in the water. After all, “they didn’t have warm jackets like people” she said.  Once I taught about blubber, and she placed her hand in the “blubber glove” submerged in ice water, she was struck with awe. The blubber on a seal is just like a jacket for a person! For the next ten minutes, she begged her mom to let her keep playing the game, and she was even shrieking with excitement.
            Seeing children so excited about wildlife gets me even more excited.  As an animal lover, knowing that my love is able to translate into another child’s appreciation is an ultimate reward.  Although my job as a Teen Leader is to inspire guests about wonder in the natural world, these children continually inspire me.

-Monet Gomes

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